Waterbury ~ COVID-19
Corona Rapid Response Team by United Way. Anyone needing support can dial 311 within the Waterbury, CT area and they will be able to get referrals to diapers, food, medications etc. Bilingual
Acts 4 Ministry- CLOSED until further notice
American Job Centers
- Not open to the public
- DOL is processing claims
- Career Resources are only in operation as a call center for DOL Unemployment benefit questions
- No WIOA training is ongoing at this time.
Catholic Charities
- Continues to work to support the community.
- Staff are working remotely and can accept new clients through telehealth.
- Contact Belinda Bridges, LCSW Clinical Director bbridges@ccaoh.org Cell: (860) 881-5314
- Website: www.ccaoh.org
Community Mental Health Affiliates (CMHA)
- Telehelth available
- Intakes for new referrals
- Individual therapy
- Family therapy
- Psychiatric evaluations and medication management
- Case management
- Christopher Marino, LPC Assistant Clinical Director Outpatient and Intensive Services
- Office: (203) 596-9724 x1366
- Cell: (860) 993-5709
- E-mail: cmarino@cmhacc.org
Center for Human Development (CHD)
- Hospitality Center is closed until further notice
- Monday – Friday from 9am – 3pm
- Laundry and showers available for those experiencing homelessness
Goodwill Career Center
- Temporarily suspending all in person services
- Online Virtual Services are available: https://www.gwct.org/virtual-services
- Those who are unable to join online, please call 203-581-5040.
McCall Center for Behavioral Health
- The Women’s REACH Program is still available.
- Catchment areas are Torrington and Waterbury.
- We are able to provide recovery coaching and case management.
- Currently due to COVID, we are working from home and connecting with clients through the phone. I am available to take clients.
- Contact Melissa Thurmond, CAC – Recovery Navigator – Cell: (860) 626-3218
RIBA Aspira Career Academy
- Closing the doors until further notice as of 4pm March 16, 2020
Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
- ALL Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crisis Services are still available by phone, in person services are limited to appointments and crisis on a case by case basis.
- DV Hotline – 888-774-2900
- SA Hotline – 203-753-3613
- No Support groups until further notice
- Thrift Store closed until further notice
- Updates available on social media https://www.facebook.com/safehavenofwaterbury/
Salvation Army Food Bank
- Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00-12:00 until further notice.
- 74 Central Ave, Waterbury Ct. 06720
- 203-754-7056
STRIVE Fresh Start Waterbury
- Closed to in person at this time
- Providing Virtual classes!
- Email lewis@careerresources.org text or call 203 433 2867
St. Vincent DePaul Mission Waterbury
- Thrift Store Closed until further notice
- Shelter and Soup Kitchen are still open
- Shelter services accessible by calling 211
The Center for Renewal
- open access will be closed until April 6
- open to see clients by appointment only
- Individuals requesting help for any number problems should call 203-910-2234 to set time to see one of our team members
- Clinicians will continue to see clients for treatment
- Relapse prevention group will continue to meet on Fridays
Wellmore Behavioral Health
- In an effort to respond to reducing the spread of Covid-19, follow directives of local, state and federal
officials, Effective 3/20/2020 Wellmore’s Outpatient programs closed our physical offices only for any face
to face services to protect our clients and staff. Wellmore is still providing services and currently
facilitating sessions virtually or over the phone until further notice. - Over the past few weeks, we have been working to update protocols and procedures to reflect our
change in how we facilitate services. We are writing to update you on how we are working and how we
can still service your referrals and the community. - Our Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient and Suboxone programs are now accepting new clients. To refer a
potential client, you can still utilize our fax: (203) 753-3274 or you can send information to
Adultreferrals@Wellmore.org. Wellmore staff will contact the potential client to set up a virtual or phone
Diagnostic Evaluation. We are also encouraging new admissions to utilize Quest Diagnostic sites to submit
drug screening as part of the intake process. - All ongoing sessions will be facilitated virtually or over the phone until we are able to reopen. Our Case
Management programs are also still up and running with phone services. Wellmore’s residential sites;
Woman & Children’s Program, The Morris House and The Therapeutic Shelter are working at full capacity
and are taking new admissions as beds become available. If you are seeking admission to these programs,
please use the same referral process noted above and we will direct you to the appropriate site for
Workforce Alliance
- Closed as a precaution during the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak.
- We plan to re-open on Thursday, April 23rd
- Any updates will be posted on www.workforcealliance.biz and social media
- One-on-One appointments with UI Benefits Specialists are not available.
- To File a Claim: visit filectui.com and click the BLUE BUTTON. For assistance, use the QUICK LINK feature. There is also Live Chat available.
- Keep Your Skills Sharp! See Available Online Resources at: https://www.workforcealliance.biz/american-job-centers/
The Greater Waterbury Re-Entry Council is a collaboration of federal, state, local organizations and individuals. We provide information; resources and support that help returning citizens achieve productive and purposeful lives.
Chair: Beth Hines
Email: bhines@cpa-ct.org
Co-chair: Heather Francisco
Email: hfrancisco@safehavenofgw.org
Location: Wellmore, 402 East Main Street, Waterbury, CT
Date: 1st Tuesday
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Additional Information