AAA/DMV: 860-236-3261 / 203-721-8284
Kelly Transit: 860-489-7433
TRED for Rides: 860-482-1852
Dial a Ride: 860-489-2535/866-906-7433
Veyo: 855-478-7350
Free Cell Phone: 800-723-3546 / 800-378-1684
Assurance (Free Cell Phone): 888-898-4888
Salvation Army (Basic Needs): 860-482-3568
Care for Kids: 888-214-5437
Shelter Plus Care (Rental Assistance): 860-496-3700 x3814
Once Upon a Child – Path (homeless Housing): 203-695-8293
YMCA: 860-489-3133
Grace Place (Single Parent clothes, furniture, baby stuff): 860-618-0010
Family Stride: 860-482-3236
Northwest Transit District
The CANDYSTRIPER is a Local Bus Service (Deviated Flexible Route Service) available in Torrington, Winsted and Litchfield; Monday through Friday; and, Torrington Saturday is operated by Northwestern Connecticut Transit District.
The local bus service is a deviated flexible route service, which means the bus will travel 3/4 mile off its local bus route, upon request, to pick up riders. Call Kelley Transit at (860) 489-7433 the day before travel to plan for pick-up. You can also request drop-off within 3/4 mile of the bus route when you are on the bus; the driver will try to accommodate your request within 30 minutes.
Commuter bus service provides access to jobs in Torrington, Monday through Friday.
The Rural Transit Dial-A-Ride is a paratransit van, curb-to-curb transportation service provided by Northwest CT Transit District. Available to people of all ages, in the (17) towns throughout Northwest CT. Anyone under (12) years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Transportation is provided to nutrition programs, medical appointments, shopping and for other social and personal purposes. Group excursions may also be arranged.
The Rural Transit Inter-Regional is a curb-to-curb service for people of all ages, in the (17) towns it serves. Anyone under (12) years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Northwestern CT Transit District, Geer, and EdAdvance are partnering with the NHCOG to provide expanded service to the elderly and disabled for non-emergency medical trips.
If you or someone you know is elderly or disabled and needs a ride to a medical facility for non-emergency treatment (e.g. dialysis, radiation, burn treatment, pulmonary rehab), please contact the designated service provider for your town to arrange a ride. Calls should be made at least 48 hours in advance of the medical appointment.
All vehicles are wheelchair accessible.
What is the Chore Program?
The Torrington Chore Program is a service offered to the frail, at risk and /or low-income elderly (over the age of 60) residents of Torrington and Harwinton. The program is designed to assist people with housekeeping chores.
The Chore Program enables people to remain at home in their community and not be at risk of institutionalization.
It is the responsibility of the elder to provide all cleaning supplies and equipment. A chore worker will be scheduled for two hours per week to assist program participants.
Is There a Fee?
There is no charge for the service, although suggested donations are accepted. The donation is based on the individual’s income. The suggested donations range from $8.00 to $17.00 per hour and helps to defray the cost of the program expenses.
We are a proven, end-to-end solution to the logistics challenge of NEMT (non-emergency medical transportation). Advancing performance for all modes, all geographies, and all member needs.