Substance Abuse

Alcoholics Anonymous

Description: Self-help organization follows the 12-step model in support groups for people in all stages of recovery from alcohol abuse. Caller can contact local answering service to request to speak to a recovering alcoholic for support. ELIGIBILITY: Some groups closed to everyone but alcoholics; others open. FEE: No fee; nominal donations accepted at each meeting

Contact: (860) 885-6151 / WEB: WWW.CT-AA.ORG
(860) 783-7712 – 866-STEPS12 – Conn. Statewide number

Celebrate Recovery

Description: Christ centered recovery program for people who want to be free from their addictive, compulsive and
dysfunctional behaviors by working and applying the 8 recovery principles and the 12 steps meets on Fridays at 7pm.
FEE: No fee
APPLICATION: Walk-in or call for more information

Place: 66 Toll Gate Road – Groton Bible Chapel – Groton, CT 06340

Contact: (860) 445-1760 ex 18 / web:

The Connection

Description: Individual and group substance abuse treatment programs including relapse prevention and programs for pregnant women and women with infant children.
FEE: Varies; sliding scale
PAYMENT: SAGA, medical; Medicaid; Medicare; Private Pay


Place: 101 Water Street, 2nd floor Norwich, CT


Narcotics Anonymous

Description: Self-help organization follows the 12 step model in support groups for people in all stages of recovery from drug abuse. Support groups meet throughout Connecticut. FEE: No fee

Contact: (800) 627-3543 / web:

Natchaug Hospital – Care Plus

Description: Psychiatric and chemical dependency services for adults and adolescents who require supervision and structure but do not require hospitalization. Day programs include group and individual therapy and involvement in a 12 step program.

Place: 1353 Gold Star Highway, Groton, CT 06340

Contact: (860) 449-9947/ web:

Southeastern Council on Alcoholism

Description: Individual and group counseling and evaluation for substance abuse problems
FEE: Sliding fee PAYMENT: Medicaid, Private insurance, Private pay

Time: M-F: 8am-4pm

Place: 1000 Bank Street, New London, CT 06320; 321 Main Street, Norwich, CT 06360

Contact: (860) 889-3178/ web:

Stonington Institute – Long Hill Campus

Description: The Partial Hospital/Intensive Outpatient Programs offer individual and group counseling, 12-step meeting orientation and educational sessions for substance abusers, ages 18+. Clients are treated for their chemical dependence issues as well as any secondary psychiatric issues, The program operates Monday through Friday during the day with an evening program from 5:50-8:30pm. The PHP is 5 days a week, 4-5 hours a day; the IOP is 15 hours per week ELIGIBILITY: Ages 18+ FEE: Sliding fee PAYMENT: Medicaid, Private insurance, Private pay

Time: M-F: 8:30am- 5pm

Place: 428 Long Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340

Contact: (860) 439-6014/ (860) 535-1010/(800) 832-1022

United Community and Family Services

Description: Bettor Choice Program provides behavioral health services to problem or compulsive gamblers and their family members. Individual therapy, group therapy, couples and family therapy, peer financial counseling and medication management are available for treating a gambling problem and other issues such as depression and anxiety. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 18+ FEE: Set/sliding scale, no one is refused services based on ability to pay PAYMENT: 3rd party sponsorship, private insurance APPLICATION: Call for information or appointment

Time: M-Th: 8am-8pm; F: 8am-5pm

Place: 400 Bayonet Street, Suite 103, New London, CT 06320; 47 Town Street, The Meadows Center, Norwich, CT 06360

Contact: (860) 442-4319/ web: