Crisis/Violence Intervention
Description: Twenty-four-hour emergency response services for people with psychiatric disabilities or people in emotional crisis who are at risk of suicide. Services include telephone counseling, mobile assessment, hospital and crisis bed screening and phone and face-to-face supports.
Place: 401 West Thames Street, Building 301, Norwich, CT 06360
Contact: (860) 886-9302 Hotline-24hr/7days/ web:
Description: The Stopping Domestic Violence Program is a domestic violence/abuse education program that teaches behaviro modification as a means of changing violent and abusive patterns of both men and women who are abusive with their spouse, partner, children or others.
FEE: Sliding fee
APPLICATION: Court referral or self-referral
Time: M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm
Place: 106 Truman Street, New London, CT 06320
Contact: (860) 447-1731 Email: web:
Description: Hotline, individual and telephone counseling, assistance in obtaining a temporary restraining order, and other support services for domestic violence crisis, including dating violence. These services are available to both male and female victims of domestic violence and also to children and teens. FEE: No fee Sexual Assault Hotline.: 24-hotline for victims of sexual assault, including dating violence, or individuals fearful about sexual assault. Provided victim support, education, and information about legal and medical concerns. FEE: No Fee
Time: Administrative house M-F: 9am-5pm
Place: 106 Truman Street, New London, CT 06320
Contact: (860)701-6000-Domestic Violence Hotline; 24hs/7 days (860)701-6001- Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline; 24hc/7 days (888) 774-2900- Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline; 24hr/7 days (888) 999-5545- Statewide Sexual Assault Hotline; 24hr/7 days Email: web: