Department of Correction
For assistance with recovering identification: Individuals who did not receive their identification upon discharge from a correctional facility are advised to contact DOC. Unclaimed personal identification is stored for two years. For assistance with obtaining identification: DOC may be able to assist individuals under any form of DOC or Parole Supervision who do not have identification. Contact DOC for more information.
24 Wolcott Hill Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 692-7869 or (860) 692-6836 (Statewide Services)
CT Department of Motor Vehicle
For assistance with driver’s license or state identification, see the DMV website for a list of locations across the state. They have a complete list of what you will need in order to secure your identification as well as the process you will have to follow.
60 State Street, Wethersfield, CT 06161
(860) 263-5700 (Statewide Services)
CT Department of Public Health
Here you will find what you need in order to secure your birth certificate. There is a vital records office in each of the 169 towns in Connecticut.
Vital Records Department (Statewide Services)
Social Security Administration
If you need another Social Security card, go to the links listed above and learn what documents you will need, print the application online, and locate the closest Social Security office near you.
Getting a Social Security Card (Statewide Services)