New Britain

New Britain ~ COVID-19

Meal Distribution Centers
Open Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 10:00 am and 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Please bring your child with you for their meals during each of the open hours so that you don’t need to come twice per day. Visit for more information.

Location Address
New Britain High School 110 Mill Street, New Britain, CT 06051
Pulaski Middle School 757 Farmington Ave, New Britain, CT 06053
Smalley Elementary School 175West Street, New Britain, CT 06053
Smith Elementary School 142 Rutherford St, New Britain, CT 06051
A.W. Stanley Park Food Truck Stanley Street, New Britain

Story time with the New Britain police department
Live weeknights at 7:30 pm while school is out for coronavirus precautions.

City of New Britain youth curfew 10:00 pm in effect through 3/3/2020
Officers who come across any unsupervised children age 16 and under, are instructed to perform a wellness check, investigate the incident, and assist in getting the child back to their home.

Click Here for New Britain Meals and Food Resource Information

New Britain Reentry Roundtable
Chair: Dana Smith
Co-chairs:  Char Dornne Bussue and Kayla Hendrickson
Email: and
Location: New Britain Public Library, 20 High Street, New Britain, CT.
Date: 2nd Tuesday
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Additional Information